

You have the opportunity to present an original report or research project. You can also present the protocol of some Project pending to perform (in which case the results and conclusions may be absent). The abstract will be structured in the following sections:

· Introduction: Explain why you did the study or provide the background for the paper.

· Methods: Describe the context and setting of the study, specify the study design, population, sampling strategy, intervention (if applicable), identify the main study variables, data collection instruments and procedures and outline analysis methods.

· Results: Report on data collection and/or recruitment, the participants, present key findings with respect to the central research question and secondary findings.

· Discussion: Place for interpreting the results explaining the main findings of the study, discussing the main results with reference to previous research, explaining policy and practice implications of the results and limitations of the study.

· Conclusions: You can state inferences or speculations and offer perspectives for future work.


This group of communications offers you the chance of presenting those events occurred during your clinical practice whose outcome has surprised you, troubled you or induced an self-reflexion. It doesn’t need to be a “critical” situation for its severity, but a situation that it has taken you to make a critique about it.

The abstract will include a maximum of 350 words and will be structured in the following sections:

· Case description: information, context, emotions, confrontation of the situation and outcome.

· Presented dilemmas: questions, reflexions that the situation brought to yourself.

· Learning objectives

· Discussion: importance of the topic of this critical incident, opinions based or not in scientific evidence, teaching extracted from it.


The communication of clinical cases will be focused in the Primary Care environment, in which a follow up or a diagnose have been made, with or without the help of Secondary Care, but where the labor of the GP has been relevant.

The abstract will include a maximum of 350 words and will be structured in the following sections:

· Case presentation: environment, relevant background, actual complaints and relevant information from interview

· Physical examination

· Clinical judgement: including differential diagnosis

· Management: complementary tests, treatment and evolution.

· Conclusions


You can present innovative experiences about assistance, teaching or any other kind that, by its approach or by its results, may be of special interest to those attending the congress. The abstract will be structured in the following sections:

· Objectives of the experience: what did you pretend to achieve when you thought about organizing this experience and why did you think it could be relevant to carry it out.

· Description of the experience

· Results: outcome of the experience

· Conclusions: what makes this experience important to be presented and what can bring to other professionals who would like to apply it.